Equity in Education has been formed by parents living in north-east Brighton to campaign for educational equity in Brighton & Hove. We are parents and concerned residents who want to see changes to the current secondary school admissions system.
Currently, some families in the city live in two-school catchment areas and have a genuine choice over where they send their children to school. Those of us who live in single-school catchment areas find it much more difficult to make meaningful choices because, in the vast majority of cases, our children simply get allocated to their catchment area school.
We think that this is unfair and that it is having a detrimental impact on our children and our communities and we are campaigning for change.
What We’re Fighting For
• Greater access to a range of different schools for families living in single-school catchment areas.
• A secondary school admissions system that is fair to all children in the city and which pays particular attention to the needs of children from disadvantaged areas.
• A better social mix in all of our schools and a concerted effort to tackle social segregation.
• A secondary school admissions system that works to make the city’s schools and communities more sustainable.
Immediate Aims
• Greater access to a range of different schools for families living in single-school catchment areas.
• A secondary school admissions system that is fair to all children in the city and which pays particular attention to the needs of children from disadvantaged areas.
• Raising the concerns of people living in north-east Brighton and ensuring that our views and interests are taken into consideration by policy makers.
• Supporting the council’s current proposal for 20% open admissions and the proposed changes to the Varndean/Stringer catchment area.
• Raising awareness and encouraging as many people as possible from our community to respond to the consultation.
• Calling for a stringent review of school transport provision alongside the implementation of this proposal.
• Raising concerns with the council regarding the proposed change to the sibling link policy. (At the moment, all children in the city who have a sibling at a school are given greater priority for admission to that school. The current proposal is to scrap the sibling link for children applying outside of their catchment area. We believe that this is unfair and that it would have a disproportionate impact on children living in single-school catchment areas, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.)
• Advocating for a thorough going overhaul of the catchment areas in the city.
Long-term Aims
• Improving the overall educational offer for children living in north-east Brighton.
• Increasing the number of families in our area and the sustainability of our communities.
• Developing the social mix and cultural capital of north-east Brighton to the benefit of residents here and across the city.
• Promoting the interests of families in north-east Brighton
Join Us!
We’re currently working with Class Divide and are very much open to collaborating with other groups and individuals from around the city who share our concerns and want to help build a movement for equity in education across Brighton & Hove.
If you would like to get involved please click below, or email us: [email protected]
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